Sharing our knowledge and expertise is an essential part of our daily job. As a customer or partner you can always rely on Smit, not just for the best performing and environmental-friendly leather chemicals, but also for our dedicated technical support. Together, we create leather that exceeds your customers expectation in terms of performance, quality and sustainability. We offer: Workshops and trainings for our own employees as well as for all of our customers and partners in the leather industry, in which we share the latest trends and best available technology around safe and sustainable production. Educational programs for next generation leather technicians. We work closely with several educational institutes, like the University of Northampton. Internships at our plants in The Netherlands. Technical support with optimizing leather recipes and manufacturing processes. SmiTools: whitepapers with insights and practical tools to improve your wet end processes SmiTools whitepapers Are looking for know-how on the field of making waterproof leather, improving leather softness or tightness? Or do you want to know how to prevent reduced strength? You can find it all in our SmiTool pdf’s. Download here Are you interested in a workshop or do you wish to receive technical support? Contact us