Optitan MP 424L

A phenolic based liquid syntan with no detectable bisphenol (<20ppm) suitable for the retannage of wet blue, wet white and Zeo White.

Bisphenol optimized retanning agent imparting a very soft and pleasant handle with good lightfastness and heat yellowing properties.

Optitan MP 424L is a bisphenol optimized retanning agent imparting a very soft and pleasant handle with good lightfastness and heat yellowing properties. Bisphenol emissions in the product and in the subsequent leather are below detection limit.

Main characteristics:

  • Bisphenol below detection limit (<20ppm)
  • Gives a very soft handle to the leather
  • Enables bright colors and a good float exhaust of the dye stuff
  • Tightens the structure creating a very fine break
  • Gives a very even milling pattern when desired

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Part of Smit’s Low Bisphenol range

Phenol-based, low bisphenol retanning solutions

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